“Greg Fund” – October Update and Donation Request

Dear Friends – Thank you to everyone who contributed this past year to either the Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund or one of the organizations I designated to receive contributions in Greg’s memory. Thank you especially to colleagues who participated in a series of Labor Day reminiscences about Greg on this Fund blog.   I…

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Introducing Charlie!

I am proud to introduce rescued racehorse Charlie, who joined my family on September 21 – the first new addition since Greg and I brought horses Henry and Caroline home on June 21, 2014.   Charlie, who earned over $200,000 in his career racing as “Charlie’s Quest,” is a descendant of Secretariat and numerous great…

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Donating Time and TLC

I’ve posted to this blog many times about money donated to Greg’s and my favorite organizations through this Memorial Fund.  Have I shared that I also donate volunteer time to many of these same organizations?   This summer, after my special fundraiser that generated almost $4,000 for Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary through the Greg Fund,…

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Remembering Greg – by Sara Silverman

I met Greg nearly four years ago on his first day in the Charlotte office at Wells Fargo. I was a first year analyst in another group and by chance, our computers were adjacent. Our conversation began as he looked over the screen asking for help with his computer. Being a new analyst (this was my…

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Remembering Greg – by Jerri Sue Gienger

Greg and I met when we worked together, back in the last century, at a small satellite division of Alex Brown & Sons. Fortunately for me, the office seating arrangement had us placed next to each other. Greg’s personality, easy going nature and intelligence were easy to gravitate toward. As frequently mentioned by others, he was more than…

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