Transfarmation Demo Hub Opens!
On Friday, September 6, The Transfarmation Project of Mercy For Animals officially opened its first Demonstration Hub — Barn Farm Plant Haven in Wadesboro, North Carolina.

Tom and Sokchea Lim once raised hundreds of thousands of chickens per year on this farm, under a contract system that trapped their family in a constant cycle of debt.

After the contract company terminated the Lims without warning, the couple began working with The Transfarmation Project to convert their land to what is now rapidly becoming a thriving mushroom and vegetable farm.

In 2023, through the Greg Fund, I became a supporter of The Transfarmation Project — inspired by its advocacy model that works at once for animal well-being, human health, social justice, and environmental protection. On September 6, I had the privilege of participating in the Demonstration Hub opening event.

I also came away with samples of Barn Farm’s dried Wadesboro Mushrooms, which I look forward to cooking up in one of my favorite stews back at home!

In addition to this Demonstration Hub opening event, Mercy for Animals president Leah Garcés is sharing her organization’s work through the new book Transfarmation: The Movement To Free Us From Factory Farming. I’ve pre-ordered my copy, and look forward to its September 17 release!