PETA 35th with Cow

Q3 2018 Highlights & Anniversary Request

I established the Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund in spring 2016, to keep my late husband’s memory alive through the animal advocacy that was our shared passion.

This October 16 will be the third anniversary of Greg’s death, followed by our wedding anniversary on October 24. As these anniversaries approach, any donation–either through the Greg Fund website or through my Facebook fundraiser page–is a beautiful way to honor Greg.

To date in 2018, the Fund has contributed a total of $87,500 to animal advocacy nonprofits.  I have also contributed volunteer time to many of them. These organizations’ inspiring Q3 2018 projects and accomplishments include:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

  • In response to Hurricane Florence, PETA’s Community Animal Project and Emergency Rescue Team operated a phone bank and then went door to door in some of the worst-affected parts of North Carolina; rescuing dogs, cats, chickens and other animals.
  • In July, PETA’s Campaign to End Racehorse Cruelty scored a major victory: the New York State Gaming Commission adopted anti-doping rules proposed after PETA’s investigation of racehorse trainer Steve Asmussen. (This same investigation led to my 2016 adoption of “Charlie’s Quest,” now simply known as “Charlie.”)
  • In August, PETA’s Legal Department filed a lawsuit against the USDA, challenging its renewal of licenses for roadside zoos that violate the federal Animal Welfare Act. The zoos are located in seven states, including one in Virginia with which I am personally familiar.

Food for Thought – A Program of Animal Place

  • In July, Food for Thought began offering Event Grants to qualifying animal and environmental nonprofits for piloting vegan events. This builds on the Policy Grant program for environmental and wildlife organizations that was launched last year with Greg Fund money.

White Coat Waste Project (WCW)

  • In September, thanks to a WCW campaign with bipartisan Congressional support, President Trump signed legislation defunding painful dog tests at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This major win followed the VA’s announcement in August of the first-ever federal policy on retiring dogs, cats, primates, and other animals no longer needed for experiments.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

  • In September, California Governor Brown signed into law the PCRM-backed Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act–so that starting January 2020, cosmetics cannot be sold in the state if developed with animal tests. Also in September, Governor Brown signed into law new requirements for licensed California health care facilities to offer plant-based meal options.

Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary

  • In September, this Maryland refuge for farm animals and wildlife hosted an open house where nearly 2,000 visitors were able to meet 200+ resident pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys and other animals; and to hear their rescue stories.

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

  • In September, this New York farmed animal sanctuary launched a new humane education campaign,, starting in Times Square.

Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)

  • In July, ALDF threatened to sue a Maryland roadside zoo, prompting the owners to voluntarily relinquish some of the endangered and exotic animals on the property.


I have financed the “Greg Fund” primarily with resources Greg and I built up during our life together.  I am also very grateful to everyone who has contributed to the Fund or to an animal advocacy organization in Greg’s memory. In 2018 to date, the following individuals have contributed a total of $2,410:

  • Adam and Krisztina Kobor
  • Alka Chandna
  • Anthony Bellotti
  • Betsy Wason
  • Brittany Peet
  • Christine Kestner
  • Dana Meeker
  • Delci Winders
  • Diana Tyrrasch Ok
  • Greta Morris
  • Ha Minh Nguyen
  • Helena Antonowitsch
  • Jacob Eliosoff
  • James Bejjani
  • Jerri Sue Gienger
  • John Elliott
  • Kathy Guillermo
  • Katie McHenry
  • Kevin and Nicole Sid
  • Kirsten Krivoshia
  • Kory McKeel
  • Krista Jacobsen
  • Lily Han
  • Lisa S Myers
  • Lisa Woods
  • Madison Sparks
  • Mongia Tanfous
  • Nancy Cule
  • Rachel McCrystal
  • Rob Haworth
  • Shannon Gilmore
  • Sonia Swartz
  • Stephanie Jones
  • Steve and Sharon Rowenhorst
  • Steven Kehrli
  • Susan R. Johnson
  • Syd Marcus

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